How do I know if my child needs to go to therapy?
Parents, do you sometimes wonder, does my child need help?Should I take them to therapy? I worry about my child being diagnosed, labeled or medicated.So here are some signs that your child may be in need of additional support:
Your child acts out and become really angry or upset when things don’t go their way, everything is power struggle and it seems like the littlest thing sets them off
Your child gets really quiet and disconnected when they feel overwhelmed and stressed out; you’re feeling powerless to help them and you are wondering if they are okay
Your child worries about school or friends, they don't quite "fit in" socially or you're worried about their choices and friends, and you’re not sure if it is normal
It is a battle to get your child to do homework or chores; you’ve asked them 100′s of times to pick up their things, they just tune you out, and it's starting to impact your relationship because you find yourself yelling, nagging and complaining
Your child gets into arguments at home with you and their siblings and even the littlest things can blow up into a tantrum, or they withdraw into silence and their room
You are noticing that they have changed, maybe they’ve begun lying to you or keeping information from you, or things are becoming a power struggle
You are concerned that something else may be going on with your child, your child's teachers or other family members have brought up concerns and you've noticed your child struggling and you are worried this may not be normal
Your child is anxious, stressed out, overwhelmed, or is having a difficult time coping with loss or changes. You may notice an increase in acting out or withdrawing behaviors as your child attempts to cope
Parents worry that if their child is diagnosed then it may impact their child in the future, such as education and career choices. So what can a concerned parent do?
If your child is having social, developmental, behavioral or relationship problems ask for support from an expert. You can choose to work with a therapist or doctor who provides services and you pay them directly. When you use your medical insurance for therapy or other medical services it is necessary to diagnose your child and their condition must be deemed "medically necessary" for insurance to reimburse you or your health care provider. Meaning, your child will receive a diagnosis to receive support, even if it is typical "adjustment issues". If you do not want your child diagnosed talk with your health care provider to see what other options there are to provide your child service without a label.
Here's when it would be beneficial to receive a diagnosis for your child, when the difficulties they are experiencing are significantly impacting their functioning and a doctor or clinician assesses that medication may be a treatment option, or your child is in need of academic support services that can be covered by the school district if they are evaluated and determined to be in need of these services.
Not sure if your child's behaviors are normal development or something more?
Seek out assistance from a professional. Based upon your observations and your child's behaviors (and often times the school's feedback) a skilled clinician can help you explore support options for your child.
An informed parent is an empowered parent, so ask questions and most of all, "Trust yourself. You know more that you think you do" (The great pediatrician: Dr. Benjamin Spock).
Need some additional help? As an art therapist I do not diagnose your child to give them the support they need. Often when children learn new cognitive and behaviors tools and the parents learn new ways to communicate the problems diminish. We work to rule out if the problems are environmentally based and/or behaviorally based. If additional support is necessary you’ll be provided a comprehensive list of other evaluation options, all while respecting your decisions on how you best choose to support your child. Schedule a Complimentary Child Support Consultation to learn more.